2020/12/22 (火)


株式会社ファイターズ スポーツ&エンターテイメント(北海道札幌市 代表取締役社長:川村浩二 以下「ファイターズ」)と、新エネルギー車のグローバルリーダーである比亜迪股份有限公司(BYD中国 代表:王伝福 以下「BYD」)の日本法人ビーワイディージャパン株式会社(神奈川県横浜市 代表取締役社長:劉学亮 以下「BYDジャパン」)は、2023年開業予定の北海道ボールパークFビレッジ(以下「Fビレッジ」)を“共同創造空間”とするための事業実現を目的とした、モビリティ領域における戦略的パートナーシップ契約を締結したことをお知らせいたします。




  • 1. Fビレッジと繋がる拠点間輸送においてEVバスを導入
  • 2. Fビレッジ内の移動はEVカートを導入
  • 3. ES CON FIELD HOKKAIDO内における各種作業車両にEVフォークリフト等を導入
  • 4. 弊社職員が使用する商業車を段階的にクリーンエネルギー車両へ転換
  • 5. チームの移動バスを段階的にクリーンエネルギー車両へ転換
  • 6. EV自動車用の充電ステーションの設置
  • 上記以外にも環境に配慮した移動手段を模索し北海道に相応しい球団・企業としてクリーンエネルギーを率先して活用していきます
  • 上記に関してはBYD社様との協働並びに他社との協働を含んでおります


株式会社ファイターズ スポーツ&エンターテイメント 代表取締役社長 川村 浩二

株式会社北海道日本ハムファイターズ 代表取締役社長 川村 浩二


BYDジャパン株式会社 代表取締役社長 劉学亮

北海道日本ハムファイターズは、日本のスポーツ界で最も先進的で革新的な取り組みを続けている球団の1つであり、その中でも今回のパートナーシップを通じて「世界がまだ見ぬボールパーク」として建設中の新球場HOKKAIDO BALLPARK Fビレッジプロジェクトに関われることは、この上ない喜びであります。

4. BYD、および、BYDジャパンについて

【比亜迪股份有限公司(BYD Company Limited)】


【BYDジャパン株式会社(英文表記:BYD Japan Company Ltd.)】

本社:神奈川県横浜市神奈川区栄町10-35 ポートサイドダイヤビル5F




Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters and BYD Japan Sign A Strategic Mobile Partnership Deal

Three-time Japanese Series winners the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters and BYD Japan,a Japanese arm of China's leading new-energy vehicle (NEV) manufacturer, today announced a strategic deal in e-mobility to help develop a “Co-Creative Place” for the new Hokkaido Ballpark F Village which is scheduled to open in 2023.

Purpose of the Partnership:

Together with BYD Japan, we will continue to explore ideal mobility solutions using clean energy from a global perspective, while striving to practice sustainable living. F Village will become a center of inclusive urban development and function as a disaster prevention facility and a regional safety evacuation site in case of emergency.

Our implemented plan:

  • Introduction of electronic buses for transportation between sites connected to F Village
  • Introduction of electronic carts for transportation in F Village
  • Introduction of electronic forklift trucks and other equipment for various work vehicles in ES CON Field Hokkaido
  • Gradual conversion of company cars to clean energy vehicles
  • Phased conversion of team buses to clean energy vehicles
  • Installation of charging stations for electronic vehicles

In addition to the above-mentioned plans, we will always be looking for other environment-friendly means of transportation and clean energy as one of the most eco-friendly sports organizations in Japan.

Those plans include collaboration with BYD and other companies.Speaking about the new deal, Koji Kawamura, President of the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters, said: “We are very pleased that the conclusion of this partnership will be the start of new value creation for our company in seeking for a sustainable society in Hokkaido. By this partnership with BYD Japan, a leading new-energy vehicle (NEV) manufacturer in the world, we are confident that a new way of thinking in the field of mobility will be advocated and spread across the country starting from our ballpark. In preparation for the opening in 2023, we will seek to develop an ideal mobility system that not only uses clean energy but also functions in the event of an emergency and will promote F village as a disaster prevention center.”

BYD Japan’ Liu Xueliang, President of BYD Japan, said: “We are very happy to partner with the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters, one of the most progressive and innovative sports teams in the industry. It is a great pleasure to be involved in Hokkaido Ballpark F Village Project which is an integral part of the “ballpark the world has never seen before” through this partnership. Our vision is “to achieve convenience and environmental protection at the same time for the future mobility society”, and based on this partnership, we are committed to proposing new lifestyles in Hokkaido and working towards the realization of an ideal society.”

BYD introduced more than 60,000 electric buses to 300-plus cities in over fifty countries and regions across six continents as a world’s leading new-energy vehicle (NEV) manufacturer. BYD Japan was established in 2005 as a Japanese subsidiary of the BYD Group in China. BYD Japan sells components such as liquid crystal devices and batteries to Japanese manufactures and has begun selling its own power storage systems and solar panel products, as well as supplying products on an OEM basis.

  1. トップ
  2. ニュース一覧
  3. ビーワイディージャパン株式会社とのモビリティ領域における戦略的パートナーシップ契約締結について